Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Enlightenment in less than a week

I went to ArtFest without any intentions or expectations. Nothing aside from the knowledge that I'd have three blissful days of uninterrupted art and some much needed decompression time. Little did I know that the way I approach art would make a drastic change.

I spent two days with Traci Bautista; painting, collaging, and playing with a wide variety of techniques and materials. Traci's style is so free and playful, very inspiring. I adore the huge book I made in her class and will continue to work on it until it feels complete.

The last day of classes was with Theo Ellsworth, an artist who draws with the most incredible detail and has imagination more vast than any universe you could think of. Listening to Theo speak about his way of experiencing the world was like someone defining the things that I already have in my own head with incredible clarity. I would never in a million years be capable of explaining the feeling of ease that I had during the entire class and how I drew without thinking . Put pen to paper. I felt at the end of the class like I had taken a very pleasant nap and kept that feeling well into the next day.

The most valuable lesson I brought away from Artfest is that I need to stop being so cerebral about my art and just create. I can go on that journey without a planned destination...just knowing that I will eventually end up *somewhere* is enough of a destination in itself.

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